Captive Christianity

An unfortunate element of the modern Church is that many more people TALK about being led by the Holy Spirit than actually are. Pastor Shane Warren delivers the teaching many have never heard on how to be, and know you are, genuinely following the Holy Spirit!

Captive Christianity

The Scriptures give a clear identifier for who’s a son or daughter of God and who isn’t, and it it’s the “demonstration” you might think. Pastor Shane Warren breaks down the teachings of the Apostles to show us how to follow God!

Captive Christianity

Where is the real battle? Is victory over the powers of the air obtained out there, or in here, and what does victory even look like? Pastor Shane Warren opens the Scriptures to give us the keys to being victorious in spiritual warfare.

Captive Christianity

You CAN be free and live in the victory Jesus died to give you, but too many people are held back from real life by demonic attachments they don’t even know they have. Pastor Shane Warren brings out the keys to understanding the three-part human nature and winning the war within!

Captive Christianity

Two divergent natures are warring against each other every day inside every believer. But do we control which one wins? Pastor Shane Warren exposes the truth about effective Christian life encoded in the life and letters of Paul.

Captive Christianity

Pastor Shane Warren brings a look at paradigm-breaking God encounters experienced by heroes of faith and what it means – and takes – to be truly liberated from the law of sin and death.

Captive Christianity

Is freedom easy? Free, even? Can we be walking in captivity, all the while proclaiming we’re free? Pastor Shane Warren brings an in-depth study of what true, Biblical freedom is, does, and costs.