Shane & Pam Warren

Lead PastorS

Shane and Pam are the founders and lead pastors of The Bend Church. Cookeville natives, they felt God calling them back home and returned to the area after sixteen years leading a thriving church in north Louisiana. They are graduates of Lee University in Cleveland, TN. Pastor Shane is also a sought-after speaker in churches, corporate, and educational environments. His personal ministry website can be found here.

Adam & LeQuitsha Warren

Worship Pastor

Adam serves as our worship pastor at The Bend Church. He is completing his master’s degree from SUM Bible College and Theological Seminary and teaches music and voice. Adam, who was born in Tennessee, met his wife Qui, who is completing her master’s degree in clinical social work, in north Louisiana.

Deborah Carter

Office Administrator

Deborah serves as event coordinator as well as helping to organize and facilitate our Dream Teams. She is originally from North Louisiana but has found her way to Tennessee with her husband and two of their three boys. They came to be a part of what God is doing in the Upper Cumberland. 


Marcus and Alicia serve as the youth pastors of The Bend Church. They possess a passion to reach, teach, and empower the youth of the Upper Cumberland. They bring their considerable ministry experience to us all the way from California.

Sherri Seitz

CHildren's Pastor

Sherri serves as the children’s pastor at the Bend Church. She and her husband, Kurt, are originally from Illinois. Sherri comes ready to serve with a heart for kids. She brings considerable children’s ministry experience with her to make an impact in the children of the Upper Cumberland.

Tim & Lindsey Oliverez

Young Adult Pastors

Tim and Lindsey serve as the young adult pastors at the Bend Church. They possess a passion for pointing young adults to Jesus, while helping them nurture a Kingdom mindset focused on the importance of the presence of God in their lives.

Noah & Liz Erickson

Creative Pastors

Noah serves as creative pastor and Liz serves as our small groups director as well as being over The Bend Merch. Noah has a background in information technology, live music production, photography, and videography. Liz graduated from Brownsville Revival School of Ministry and served as a missionary in Japan for several years. She is from south Louisiana, Noah is from Dallas, TX, and they met in Hawaii.

Emma Butler

Social Media Producer

Emma serves under our creative pastor Noah Erickson, while running all of our social media and YouTube. She currently is a Junior attending Valor Christian College online majoring in Organizational Leadership. She is from Memphis, TN, but moved to Cookeville for college in the Fall of 2020.