So You’re Dead… Now What?

Is there a real place that matches what we think of as Hell? Hades? Gehenna? The Bad Place? If so, who is it for? In a culture that no longer thinks any wrongdoing should have consequences, how to we return to a right understanding of judgment? By knowing the truth of God’s Word.

So You’re Dead… Now What?

Pastor Shane shares the great truth that what you believe about death will shape how you live your life. What are you basing your expectation of eternity on? Unfounded hope? Nihilism? Or God’s unchanging Word?

Lights Out!

What does a church on fire look like? Pastor Shane examines the Scriptures and church history to define a church on fire – what motivates its members, and what kind of action does the fire power? Watch this, and make a commitment to help usher in a mighty move!

Lights Out

The arts, science, and education had recognition of the Creator at their core until comparatively recently, but just as those institutions began to embrace a doctrine of random chance and lack of standards, the Church in America began to go into retreat. How did we arrive to the place where government officials now believe Christians […]

Lights Out

Are you a light shining in the darkness, or has your flame gone out? Pastor Shane reveals the secret to making your generation the first generation of a move of God!

Lights Out

When worldviews collide, nations hang in the balance! Last Sunday, Pastor Shane shared this important thought with us. You will be shocked as Pastor unwraps current worldviews compared to the Biblical perspectives. Don’t miss this important teaching!

Lights Out!

The forces of darkness and the powers of this world spend every day bombarding followers of Jesus Christ with one message – keep your mouth shut. Will you watch passively as your world slips into chaos and depravity, or will you let your light so shine that it can be seen by everyone?

Open Heaven

What is it that is keeping you from doing what you were created for? In part 2 of “Open Heaven,” Pastor Shane shares a life-transforming revelation about your personal anointing and how to walk in it.

Open Heaven

Are you living under an open heaven? What does that even look like? If you knew the KEY to breaking through in the spiritual warfare that’s been holding back the answers to your prayers, what could stop you? Don’t wait any longer! Watch this and learn how to open the heavens!

Faith Under Siege

What do you do when you are believing God for a promise that seems to be delayed or denied? Have you ever felt that way, like God has forgotten your faithfulness to Him? Have you ever felt like your Faith was Under Siege? Don’t miss this message – it’s a life changer for sure.