In this message, Pastor Anthony Patterson reflects on Acts 9:1-9, where Saul’s journey on the road to Damascus takes a divine turn. Like Saul, we often find ourselves on paths that lead nowhere. Pastor Anthony shares how God can redirect our lives toward His purpose, even when we feel lost.

In this message, Pastor Anthony Patterson reflects on Acts 9:1-9, where Saul’s journey on the road to Damascus takes a divine turn. Like Saul, we often find ourselves on paths that lead nowhere. Pastor Anthony shares how God can redirect our lives toward His purpose, even when we feel lost.

Pastor Sheldon Riley has been used by God to radically transform his community in Texas, and now he’s here to bring a special impartation of world changing power!

An unfortunate element of the modern Church is that many more people TALK about being led by the Holy Spirit than actually are. Pastor Shane Warren delivers the teaching many have never heard on how to be, and know you are, genuinely following the Holy Spirit!

The Scriptures give a clear identifier for who’s a son or daughter of God and who isn’t, and it it’s the “demonstration” you might think. Pastor Shane Warren breaks down the teachings of the Apostles to show us how to follow God!

Where is the real battle? Is victory over the powers of the air obtained out there, or in here, and what does victory even look like? Pastor Shane Warren opens the Scriptures to give us the keys to being victorious in spiritual warfare.