Pastor and Evangelist Tony Suarez brings the truth of modern day revival with a powerful word from heaven!

The revelation Jesus taught to His disciples on the last Passover meal He took before the crucifixion, and His power to overcome in the garden, kick off the biggest change in the history of the world! See it here like never before in The Living Lord’s Supper.

Get fired up with a powerful Testimony from Evangelist Debra George! Listen to how she goes into the darkness to shine the Light and save souls! We are in the Soul Winning and Saving business!

Pastor Shane exposes the prophetic significance of the upcoming American total eclipse, what makes it special, and what has always happened in America when this kind of eclipse occurs since the 1700s!

Evangelist Perry Stone joins us for an important word for this season!

The 2024 total solar eclipse means more than it might seem. Pastor Shane breaks down the historical, geographical, and prophetic significance.

Are you a rainmaker or a rain-blocker? This is a revelation-packed message full of warning, hope, and encouragement. We can not let this Spiritual drought continue.